Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What Happens in Guadalupe, AZ?

If we weren't there, what would have happened?

As my friend and I were about to start canvassing and talk with the People of Guadalupe about the upcoming Mayoral election (and, specifically, about our support for candidate Rebecca Jimenez), we saw something straight out of a movie - yet, a sight probably all too common and realistic for Guadalupe's residents.

In the blink of an eye, this beautiful and quiet day turned hectic. As we were sitting on a bench by the street corner, two Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) squad cars quickly pulled over a red truck and blocked off the street. Unnecessarily, one of the officers got out of his car, immediately unholstered his handgun, and got into a firing position over his car. He commanded: "Get out! Put your hands on the car!"

The driver, who had obediently pulled over after the officers flipped the lights and sirens on (which wasn't very long beforehand), got out and timidly put his hands on the truck.

My friend and I went into "Copwatch" mode, pulled out our phones, and started to record.

The two officers approached the vehicle, quickly searched it (were they looking for something? damming evidence - of sorts?), *saw us, and hastily left the scene.

I recorded the license plates numbers of the officers, stopped recording, and tried to go up to the vehicle to find out what happened. But, the driver, understandably, drove off quickly. { VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUNXEKcE2S0 }

How bizarre.

* * * * * *

"She (current Mayor, Alma Yolanda Solarez) has yet to hold anybody from MCSO accountable. It has been well documented that they would send the rogue deputies here, many who have gotten in trouble, and by not holding them accountable, she shows support."

Rebecca Jimenez is getting ready to canvass for her campaign for the Mayoral election on May 21st, 2013. She has been canvassing with many of her volunteers for around 4.5 months. I asked her about Guadalupe, her vision for it, and what has been happening.

It didn't take long to see that things were not good.  "Just about six months ago, a youth, a 19 year-old, was shot and killed here (by an MCSO deputy)." This kind of situation would regularly get the 'Well, what did he do?' response, but if one has any idea that Racial Profiling, Discrimination, and Abuse of Power exist (especially in Arizona), then the comment ought to be: "How WRONG!"

In any case, a young 19 year old should NEVER be killed by law enforcement. If that makes you uncomfortable, then I'll ask you: What if this was your Child? I implore you to watch the following video that is linked in this article:

*VIDEO* of the Reaction of the Town of Guadalupe to Arpaio's Deputy shooting and killing a 19 year old:

Why can't 'our' society envision something different then allowing young people to be murdered? Why do we continue to assume that the people who get murdered by Law Enforcement are doing 'wrong'? Why do we continue to make excuses for Corrupt Institutions, such as MCSO?

* * * * * *

There are alternative visions.

Rebecca Jimenez and Council member Andrew Sanchez are trying to change the Extreme Corruption that exists in Guadalupe. Jimenez said that she envisions a Neighborhood Courts Program, similar to those used in an area in the city of San Francisco. "For nonviolent offenders / non-serious crimes, they face a court of their own peers and community members, and are given Community Service." This allows them to NOT have records, which tend to haunt and suppress people forever. 'We should want to help our Community members, not hurt them.'

Additionally, Jimenez hopes to clean the streets more often, via using a rarely-used street sweeper  which was purchased by the Town, 2 years ago. The current Government, apparently, does not care to even clean the streets for the People.

There are also other things to be done, such as: hiring an independent Auditor of all the expenses of Guadalupe's Government (i.e. there are a lot of Mileage Claims, Hotel expenses, etc., that are 'fishy'); balancing the budget - which the current majority administration has helped to create a $120,000 defecit, even though money was transferred from the Sewer Fund, a necessary social service; and *more Solar Energy and Community Gardens for the Town of Guadalupe.

Jimenez, who lives with her Family and is invested in the Town of Guadalupe, vows that she "will hold MCSO accountable; Won't let them terrorize our community; Will watch the budget diligently". Additionally, bringing in the right staff (i.e. the Town Manager & Attorney) would be necessary adjustments.

You can tell that she wants to make things better. A cleaner community; More active; More informed.

Article: more About Rebecca [1]: http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/bastard/2013/03/joe_arpaios_nemesis_rebecca_ji.php

Article: more About Rebecca [2]: http://immigrationmexicanamerican.blogspot.com/2013/03/one-tough-latina-rebecca-jimenez-former.html

* * * * * *

City Council meetings have become chaotic. I recently attended a council meeting to see for myself and noticed that the City Manger, County Attorney, Mayor, and some Council Members, were swiftly passing things in order to get what they wanted passed. Not to mention, that the 2nd meeting of the night was supposed to start at 7pm, yet began and ended beforehand.

Here is some VIDEO footage of Andrew Sanchez responding to Mayor Solarez's false accusations of 'hiding behind social media', just before Solarez and the City Manager stopped the meeting:

**NOTE - Solarez, who has not allowed community members to speak during the recent Council Meetings (even during Public Comment!) stopped the meeting as soon as someone spoke out. How disgraceful. How cowardice.

* * * * * *

There is a history of oppression in Guadalupe. So, this is my way of echoing the 'SOS' for the Good People of Guadalupe.

VIDEO: Guadalupe vs. Arpaio

Article [3]: http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/bastard/2008/04/open_rebellion_guadalupe_mayor.php
Article [4]: http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2011/12/15/20111215mcso-guadalupe-residents-applaud-justice-dept-findings.html

These problems are serious! The modus operandi of the MCSO is to 'stun' first and not answer questions later. Extreme Corruption exists in the City Council and Staff members. A lot of the Town's People have become soo disheartened with the current state of Political affairs in Guadalupe.

Where is the Integrity? Where is the Accountability? Where is the Community?

* * * * * *

One last story:

Rebecca Jimenez, Council member Andrew Sanchez, and many concerned Community Members had to band together in order to defeat the Private Sale of the Public Mercado, which is one of the only places where a lot of people can gather en masse in Guadalupe. The privatization of Public spaces is soo horrible, for various reasons, but let's just say that it is a land-grabbing, community-destroying, extremely corrupt, collusive, and Greedy attempt to further Control things done by a few people who are already in 'control' of too many things.

* Guadalupe is under attack! * Corruption & Collusion are trying to take over the Town.
Let me make it clear: THIS IS NOT RIGHT! We don't nearly say this enough when things are not right.

My closing thoughts: Some things happen and they'll stay with you forever. Others are gone in a flash. What happens in a rather isolated Town, like Guadalupe, can tend to stay within it. We are oftentimes left with more questions than answers (which: some people like it that way).If there is not enough people describing the truth about what's going on, then we are subject to the rule of those who indoctrinate / brain-wash others.

"(People) need to stand against the suppression / oppression that we feel from (MCSO)." - Rebecca Jimenez

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Why I started to "Occupy"

It just hit me, as I was trying to think about how to start the blogging series that I am about to begin. I simply want to describe the complex and various things that I've recently experienced.  :P  I started this 'occu'-journey over 6 and 1/2 months ago because things are just SOO messed up in the world, SOO wrong, that I didn't know of anything better to do than to join up with others who felt the same. It has been an unforgettable experience that has been very enlightening and (imo) necessary.

99% is Too Big to Fail!
We are the 99% only if We Stand Together.

The wonderful (along with the difficult-to-deal-with) people that I and many others have met through this process have made this experience worth it. It is not easy being around a bunch of highly eccentric people who you have just met. Yet, the Occupy Wall St. Movement has been successful for the very fact that it brought a bunch of like-minded and like-hearted strangers together. What will come out of this giant 'meet-n-greet' of people who desperately want to change things (based off of a perceived need) has yet to be written.

< continue reading after the jump break >

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Public/ Farmers Markets & Local Shops build Unity

Back in college, I did some research and wrote a paper about why Buying Local and at Public/ Farmers Markets was better for our Communities, as opposed to buying food or other products from Corporate Retailers.

In summary, briefly, the reasons are as follows: 1. Products generally travel less distance (which has an economic and environmental-impact advantage); 2. The money spent at Local ('Mom and Pops') businesses was better for the community, as the money is more likely to stay in the community (which has long-term consequences); 3. The Food (specifically) is fresher and healthier; 4. Prices (especially in the long term and 'actual cost') are cheaper, and very comparable to chain-stores (despite the misconception); 5. The Products are more unique and generally better quality than mass-produced products; and, 6. Local shops and markets foster more Social interaction, which is good for both individuals and communities.

There were more reasons, but ya'll probably get the gist, and I want to focus on the last point real quick: "Local shops and markets foster more Social interaction". I went to the Phoenix Public Market yesterday (Saturday, 3/31/12) and had dozens of conversations, ran into some friends, and learned a lot while enjoying the ambiance and some tasty samples (currently on a tight, social and environmental activist/ advocate's budget- lol).

So, I am going to keep this post short in order to accomplish my ultimate goal for this post: To get YOU to go to a local market. If you already frequent the Local shops and markets, great! But, if not, and you have time (especially on this Sun-day), PLEASE go to a local market and/ or local stores, AND then *comment on this blog's thread about your experience. (Again, if you frequent Local shops/ markets, feel free to especially chime-in and share your experiences!)

I desire to make this blog interactive, via discussing things in society that Unite us and make our communities better.. :)

If you live in AZ, here is a good resource for info on Farmers Markets: http://www.arizonafarmersmarkets.com/
If you live out of AZ/ the Valley of the Sun, Google/ research where your Local Markets and 'Mom & Pops' are, and start patronizing them!

Peace and Love,

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rest in Peace, Trayvon Martin (Rally in PHX on 3/28/12)

Make no mistake; there are some SERIOUS problems going on in this world. For instance, I just recently watched the documentary "Murder Capital of the World" about Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and it was all-too graphically real. People are caught in the middle of a Greedy, Egotistical, Apathetic, Corrupt, and overall Evil power-struggle between a few extremely wealthy people who seduce us all into fighting their battles for them.

I will save an in-depth analysis on this madness for another day, though. This post is intended to talk about the Trayvon Martin rally that happened in downtown Phoenix yesterday, 3/28/12. I only specifically brought up the 'serious problem' of Juárez, Mexico because I (and many others) feel like these problems are all somewhat intertwined. It is an apathetic hate and ignorance, a passion and obsession with making more and more money, which is leaving this world of ours in ruins. Fortunately, people like the filmmakers & participants of the documentary and the protesters for and family of Trayvon Martin are standing up all over the world!

The Trayvon Martin murder case may seem to be purely and predominantly your typical main-stream-media sensationalist story, but many of us see it as more than just that. This story (for a lack of a better word) epitomizes injustice. How can the KNOWN killer of a 17-year old young-adult be walking free? The case, as it goes, STINKS of injustice, regardless of all of the analysis (aka opinions) and defamations of character coming out. Real quick, let's look at the undisputed FACTS which make this a pretty clear case of murder, (imo): 1. Trayvon was unarmed (except with Skittles and an Iced Tea). 2. Zimmerman called the Police, was told to 'stand down', yet DID NOT. 3. Trayvon was killed BY Zimmerman! (Additionally, there was no visual marks on Zimmerman when he was taken into custody, which directly conflicts with his alibi that there was a confrontation.) Usually this leads to an arrest and prosecution! However, a prosecution has NOT happened, which is why there is an uproar.

Again, imo, this is a pretty clear, 'slam-dunk' murder case. Yet there is NO JUSTICE! With MANY implications of WHY there is no justice (Zimmerman's family has connections to the Judicial system; the RACIST -yes, I said it- nature of the Police & Justice system; and the now infamous, ALEC-sponsored bill, 'Stand Your Ground'). Unfortunately, injustice unifies all of us throughout the World. 

The other unfortunate and unjust common 'theme' that most societies share: Corruption. That is precisely why I (and, again, many others) are 'protesting', aka: being social and environmental advocates, activists, whistle-blowers, and lobbyists against the suffocating Systems of Oppression. This is why we SHOULD be outraged about the Trayvon Martin case... AND any other case of injustice (i.e. the Muslim mother-of-five, who was murdered in San Diego because of clear racism). These kinds of moments when we come together and 'protest' are opportunities for Unification in the fight against injustice/ apathy/ evil/ racism/ hate/ greed/ etc.

< "read more" and view some pics and videos from this event, after the jump break >

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I am Michael Royer, and I am eager to join the 'blogosphere'! I appreciate blogging and see it as a sort of 'online journal' of humanity. Hopefully, I can add something to this giant Internet of interconnectedness.

As this is my first post, I want to share with you 1. some background of myself, 2. an update of my life, and 3. some thoughts.

1. I was born and raised in Chandler, Arizona. My life has been relatively simple (in comparison to many others who have far greater struggles) and yet seemingly (at least, to me) complicated. College definitely changed and enhanced my perspective of life as I was able to enjoy a diverse learning experience, which is great because I enjoy many things (and am hoping to 'be a master of being a jack of all trades'). LOL. I am eternally grateful for all of my life experiences, good and bad.

2. Having recently graduated from college, I DOVE (head first) into a journey that I will blog A LOT about: the Occupy Movement. Yes, I know, there are many opinions and conceptions of it. Yet, I hope to showcase that there is more to Occupy than meets the eye. I hope to show a holistic perspective of my time with Occupy Phoenix, although I am very aware than everything is relative.
There is a lot of other things going on globally and, specifically, Arizona, and I plan to blog about many things. I hope that it may be of some use to others, although it will mainly be a nice way to relieve the many thoughts that I have (aka self-therapy; lol).

3. Life is complex and yet simultaneously simple. It is complex because of ALL of the current things going on throughout the world based off of a very complicated history. Yet life is simple in that certain things seem to be universally true everywhere! For example, hugging someone usually makes us feel better; smiling (and apparently yawning) are contagious for the most part; and most people TRY to do good (in their own way).

I wish I could have made this better, hahaha, but I wanted to send this out asap, as I've been talking about doing it for far too long. Thanks to anyone for your support, and I hope that I can give you all some worthwhile content.

PS - I am heading to a March/ Rally/ Vigil for Trayvon Martin in downtown Phoenix. This is a very sad case, which has major social reverberations. Rest in Peace, Trayvon, and ALL who are killed, for killing is such a nasty thing to do -regardless of the situation.

PPS - Expect something later tonight, 3/28/12

Peacefully sincere, with Love and Gratitude,
Michael Royer